The Muck & The Mire: A new exhibition of oil paintings by Beau White (Oct 12 - 29)
Beau White is a hyper-realist, figurative oil painter who uses nightmarish imagery and absurdism to explore the darker side of the human condition.
White's latest show, 'The Muck & The Mire', will showcase his intricately detailed oil paintings that represent both primal fears and modern anxieties: the urge to resist nature and control the wilderness / the other, and the artificial quagmire of consumerism and domestic suffocation.
Here's a look at what you can expect from the show:

'The Muck & the Mire' opens on Wednesday October 12, 6pm - 9pm at Trocadero Art Space (Suite 1, lvl 1/119 Hopkins St. Footscray) and runs until October 29.